In this titanic struggle of the ages may this building The Supreme Court whose cornerstone we now lay with a prayer to G-d who hath made and preserved us as a nation, be a cathedral of truth, an arsenal of freedom, an armory for battalions marshaled against deceit and falsehoods………….
We will rectify the consistent failures and corruption of the current two-party system. We will impose fiscal discipline, restrain the reach of the federal government as outlined in the Constitution and defend America’s traditional family values.
The American two-party system is broken. It has become a system of elite political insiders who only serve the special interest groups that help keep them in control. Some elites call themselves “Democrats” while others call themselves “Republicans”.
The elite of the two major parties continue to fail America based on our spiraling national debt, trillion-dollar annual budget deficits, off-budget Earmarks, escalating illegal immigration, weakening Dollar and loss of traditional American values. They are stealing America’s future because they are only dedicated to getting re-elected.
We are emerging as America’s real “Second Party” because true conservatives, Independents and Other Party activists will soon relegate the GOP into political irrelevance. Republi-Dems are two sides of the same losing coin.